Thursday, January 28, 2021

A little more about me.

 For my second post I thought I'd tell you more about my background. I was born in Los Angeles, CA but raised in Rocky Mount, NC. Growing up in North Carolina playing out in nature as a young boy  was what sparked my curiosity and love for learning. I bounced back and forth from coast to coast until I was about 20 years old . I finally decided after all that moving  to settle in Los Angeles. As a young adult the slow paced Rocky Mount life no longer interested me. I consider myself to be a city man with a country heart.


  1. City man with a country heart, cool :-) Thank you for sharing your background with the class and the world.

  2. I've always been in Vegas LOL, but since you bounce back and forth do you have a favorite place? What prompted you to come to Vegas?

    1. To be honest my favorite place shifted with my age. As a child I longed for Los Angeles and really loved it when I got there. As a man I've come to appreciate the peace of mind and comfortability I get from being in north Carolina. So I have to say as of now it North Carolina. I came to Vegas looking to settle my new family here. Its more affordable than Los Angeles without being too far, as most of my family lives in California.

  3. West coast to east coast! What a dramatic change. How does LA compare to Vegas? I am from LA, as well, and feel more and more that LV is adopting LA life.

    What do you miss about NC?

    1. To me personally I love the convience of Los angeles with everything beings so close together. Also the variety of places to go(Still miss The alley in downtown, and the beach). Despite that there's been a flux of Angelenos moving to Vegas no doubt for the lower real estate. Which is probably why LV is Feeling more and more like LA, because we're all out here. I miss the forest, and the rivers, the food, the weather, the beaches(personal preference east coast beaches a better(. Just about everything.

    2. Do your family still live in north Carolina

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I always wanted to visit North Carolina. I have lived in a city all my life and am thinking seeing the country life will be refreshing. What are your favorites place in North Carolina? What did you miss most?

  6. Wow, you mentioned North Carolina, and I recall I have some family back that way. I have no idea what the landscapes are in that region but I'm sure there's tons of beauty.

  7. "city man with a country heart" sounds interesting. Do you ever want to move back to the country? I personally have the desire to enjoy both aspects of the city and country. I guess a bit of both would be the best for me. I've considered living in all sorts of cities and country-oriented places growing up.

  8. I bet Los Angeles cost of living was expensive then the other parts you have lived.

  9. Is the weather any different from California or Nevada compared to North Carolina? Though I specifically like cold weather, I've only lived in three places, Nevada, Hawaii, and The Philippines. Unfortunately, all can get pretty hot during the spring and summer.

  10. I love being outside, makes me want to run away from society and live alone in a log cabin.

  11. I love living in the city. The summers I use to go out and visit my grandma in the middle of nowhere, made me realize all the small things I took for granted.

  12. I've been to just about every state in the south and would love to check out the Carolinas some day. City living is nice but I intend to have some property in a less populated area.

  13. I am definitely in the minority here and it is kind of embarrassing, I have only been to Cali once for a football game and I was there for less than 12 hours. Other than that I have never "been" to California.

  14. I am definitely in the minority here and it is kind of embarrassing, I have only been to Cali once for a football game and I was there for less than 12 hours. Other than that I have never "been" to California.

  15. I'm from north Carolina and from rocky mount but live in Raleigh nc now
